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Featured profiles


54 - Stoke-on-Trent, Staffordshire, England

I am a positive and fun person with a relaxed attitude to life. My children are leaving home and I’d like to...


51 - Taunton, Somerset, England

Cheeky chap who loves the simple things in life, hopeless romantic, big foodie, love animals and the great...


49 - Hinckley, Leicestershire, England

Hard working single dad. Good sense of humour. Recently separated. Looking for someone like-minded to see where...


44 - Westminster, London, England

Love good food, good company, travel, sunshine, beaches, wildlife photography, music, politics and comedy -...


54 - Sevenoaks, Kent, England

Happy, healthy and sane ! Enjoy cycling, running, rowing (although not on the same day!). Try to find the fun &...


54 - Chorley, Lancashire, England

Looking for adventure with that special person. I am fit, fun and very loving. I like a latte in the morning...

About UrbanSocial UK Dating Site

Welcome to UrbanSocial - one of the best online UK dating sites for sociable singles looking to spark up their search for love.

If you're looking to find like-minded singles to date, you've come to the right place. Since 2003, UrbanSocial has been helping single men and women find someone special through our online dating service.

Don't wait for love to find you. It's time to get active, and start connecting with genuine professional singles who you might otherwise never meet in real life. Our UK dating site helps all sorts of singles meet well-matched dates.

Whoever your perfect date is, we're sure we can help. But don't take our word for it. Sign up now for free, and take a look around.

Your tools to find your perfect match

Discover up to 1000 matches with our intelligent two-way matching feature.
Find someone special with one of our many search options and add those you like to your Favourites.
When you're ready, contact members using an easy and private messaging interface.
See what you have in common with others at a glance.
You're in control - block members who do not meet your standards or report unsavoury members.

Ensuring Safe Dating Online

Looking after our members means ensuring we provide nothing but a safe online dating site experience.

All singles on our UK dating site can rest assured their safety and security is constantly well protected.

Only genuine singles are able to join our dating service thanks to a team of human moderators who manually verify all new dating profiles and photos that are submitted to our site. This means we are a dating site with real profiles.

Our members also have complete control over who they want to contact, and have the freedom to stop, block or report other dating members should they wish.

Our privacy policy and data guarantee means that members can relax in the knowledge that their personal information is kept private and secure at all times.

We also recommend our members keep in mind our online dating safety tips when messaging others and meeting up for first dates.

Ensuring Safe Dating
Getting Started Online

Make Your Dating Profile Stand Out

The first step to getting started online dating is to create a great online dating profile about yourself.

While it might be tempting to just write a sentence or two, with online dating, it really is a case of you get out what you put in.

With so many singles online, first impressions count, so it's worth taking the time to think about your online dating profile.

Your introduction should be interesting, honest, and approachable for the singles reading it.

Highlight things about you that can be conversation starters and help give potential partners something to write to you about in their first message.

For more helpful tips and advice, head over to our award-winning online dating blog.

Taking The Best Dating Profile Photo

A great dating profile needs to be matched with a top-notch dating profile picture.

Dating online isn't blind dating, so if you want to meet genuine singles, you'll need to look like one, which means having a dating profile picture.

The quality of your dating profile photo dramatically affects your online dating experience, so spend some time creating a good one. Here's some simple tips:

Some angles are far more flattering than others. Position the camera straight on or slightly higher than your face to find the best angle. Have a bright source of light pointing towards directly in front of your face.

Minimise background distractions by making your face the largest part of the photo, and keep anything behind you plain or tidy.

A smile is the most attractive thing you can wear and makes you appear welcoming.

Creating the Best Dating Profile Photo

Success Stories

Steve, 08 June 2024
Met a perfectly lovely lady. Immediate connection. Nothing else needed, except hope for the future.
Mike, 07 January 2024
Yes I am insanely happy with the woman I met on the site. We could not be more happy. I text her a Persian love poem every morning and we talk for an hour every night, spending several days each week together. We are partners and lovers for life. She is the love of my life and it is wonderful that this is mutual.
Hilary, 22 October 2023
Met a lovely woman on your site. We have been dating for about 6 months and long may it continue :-)

Our Support Team is here to guide you

Feedback from members we've helped in the past.

Elizabeth, 17 May 2024
I cannot tell you how grateful I am! Thank you times a million.
Marion, 13 January 2024
This is extremely helpful, thank you. I truly appreciate your help in this matter, and very impressed with the professional way it has been dealt with.
Andrew, 19 November 2023
Many thanks indeed for your kind attention to this matter.